
Showcase your posts anywhere with advanced features and layouts.

Grid layout

Default image size with title, excerpt, header, footer

Background image with vertically bottom aligned title

Featured layout

Carousel layout

3 x column carousel

4 x column carousel

List layout

Alternating Fixed height image size with title, excerpt, header, footer

Block Settings

Posts OptionsValue
Layouts:List, Grid, Featured, Carousel. Masonry
Header & Footer:Author, Category, Comments, Date, Tags
Featured Image:Default, Fixed Height, Background
Border:Yes, No
Drop Shadow:None, SM, MD, LG
Hover Style:None, Zoom, Shadow SM/MD/LG, Border (Primary Color)
Vertical Align:Top, Middle, Bottom
Selection criteria:Number of posts, order by, many post filters
Color settings:Theme Colors
Excerpt:Word count limit, read more options, font size
Spacing: Margin/Padding Presets
Animation: 77+ Effects
Additional CSS Class:Class Name